пятница, января 15, 2010


Эти снимки Баухаузов - Тель-Авивские. Позаимствованы с сайта Маши Хинич.

"Баухауз": Тель-Авив - Иерусалим
О тель-авивских и иерусалимских постройках в стиле "баухауз" стоит почитать в эссе Ильи Бокштейна на сайте http://amkob113.narod.ru/boki/bttt-5.html
Я нашла шикарный сайт про Баухауз.
The unofficial international style site from Israel - http://www.bauhaus.co.il/main.tmpl
Там говорят про Т.-А., И-м, а про Хайфу ни звука!
Я послала ему свои снимки и ссылку на http://www.ymap.co.il/Navigate.aspx , откуда брала фото про улицы в Хайфе. Хотела доказать, что Хайфа тоже не лыком шита.
Но оттуда сказали, что у http://www.ymap.co.il/Navigate.aspx неотъемлемые права на их фотки.
Так что, если вы "права не будете качать", , то шлите свои снимки на шикарный сайт про Баухауз по адресу webmaster@bauhaus.co.il .
И пусть про Хайфу тоже расскажут.

29.07.2004 - Архитектура Тель-Авива
In 1925 Tel Aviv Mayor Meir Diezengoff invited Sir Patrick Gedes to plan the city's north and center according to the borders determined by the British Mandate government: Yarkon River in the north, Ibn Gvirol Street in the east, the sea in the west and all the built area till Ben Zion Boulevard and Bograshov Street in the south. The plan included an area of approximately 3,000 dunams. Gedes imagined Tel Aviv as a special kind of city of gardens. He developed the characteristics of the green residential neighborhoods built in southern Tel Aviv since 1909 according to the following principles: The buildings will be constructed on plots of at least 560 square meters and each will be surrounded by a garden. The building area will be no larger than a third of the plot area. The distance between the buildings on each plot will be at least 3 meters and 4 meters from the street and 5 meters from the plot in the back of the building. There will also be a green boulevard from the south to the southeast surrounding the residential neighborhoods. The plan created a hierarchy of city streets clearly distinguished by main streets serving as main traffic lanes and central routes in the city and narrow, short residential streets. In this way, Gedes created a network of traffic arteries and main streets bordering quiet blocks of residential areas of less than 500 meter length. Gedes planned that in the center of each block there would be a public building to serve the residents of that block. An urban cultural center was planned to be built at the highest point and later the Mann Auditorium and Habimah were built (Gedes nicknamed them – the Acropolis). A square surrounded by architecturally uniform buildings was planned and at a later date Diezengoff Square was built. The combination of modern architecture in Gedes' planned urban blocks created a mosaic of white cubes surrounded by gardens. Modern building spread uniformly in all the planned areas created a free and intimate urban fabric. The relationship between gardens, commercial and quiet residential areas create a pleasant balance between the green city, the needs of the residents and commercial and cultural activities which grant Tel Aviv a quality of life among the highest in the world.

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